The Meadow
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Sorting Quiz

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Sorting Quiz Empty Sorting Quiz

Post  xxx_vampiress_xxx Tue Mar 11, 2008 4:56 pm

Please answer the following questions truthfully and then pm them to me! thank-you!

1. Do you prefer the rush or the kill?
2. Do you prefer to be known as the protector, the hunter or the hunted?
3. Out of the following characters, which is your favorite?
4. You're stuck in the meadow between a pack of wolves and three vampires, you
a) immediately move towards the wolves
b) head straight for the vampires
c) stay as still as possible and pray neither comes near you

5. What gives you more excitement?
a) hanging out with the pack of guys down in La Push
b) going hunting with the local coven of vampires
c) going to an amusement park with some friends from school

6. You have a project due first thing tomorrow morning you
a) grab a red bull and prepare to work the night away
b) already have it done, it's not like it was hard or anything
c) you don't really go to school much, you're too busy keeping things in check

7. You see a wolf near by you
a) attack it
b) run away
c) change, and join it

8. It's a hot, sunny day, you and your friends are doing what?
a) cliff diving
b) laying in the grass, enjoying it while it lasts
c) sitting inside with the air conditioner on

9. Some days are just those days where you
a) feel like you need to get away from it all
b) feel like a social reject
c) feel like your friends are the only people that understand you

10. (last question) If you could choose a team to be on, which would it be and why?

Number of posts : 137
Age : 31
Location : doing random stuff....
Registration date : 2008-03-11

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